Monday, January 12, 2015

Authenticity in Writing

“Don’t just put in your time. That is not enough. You have to make great effort.”

This is one of several quotes in the article that caught my attention. I'll often put a time limit on certain activities, whether it's reading a novel or finishing a homework assignment. I tell myself that I'll work on (x) until a certain time or I need to finish (y) in half an hour so I can move on to the next task.

While this way of thinking can be beneficial (hello, time management!), when you're working on a skill that you can improve over time (like writing), you can't force or rush through it. Be authentic and take the time to perfect the craft. Don't write just to say you've completed your daily writing goal. Write because you want to, not because you think you have to. One of my goals for the semester is to forget the arbitrary "rules" mentioned by the author in this article and focus on growing as a writer.

1 comment:

  1. I like some of the ideas you explore here; however, dig a bit deeper to extend connections for your readers.
